Security Awareness Program Miami

The need for Security Awareness Program in Miami Training is becoming more and more necessary every day. This training is often viewed as a luxury and not as a necessity, but in reality, security awareness training can no longer be viewed as "optional," with today's increasing risks. Security awareness training is the first step toward the protection of your systems, and with the proper security measures in place, valuable corporate assets and important information and data are securely protected from being compromised or breached.

The best defense against internal and external breaches is not just technology and security tools alone; but it is the involvement of the entire culture of the particular environment, providing the company with the necessary knowledge, preparation, and security awareness that will promote automatic, intuitive, and accurate responses and behavior in the support of information security.

Due to the proliferation of social engineering techniques and security breaching methods, and because the Internet can easily introduce and spread malware without user knowledge, it is absolutely vital to learn the right and wrong ways to use technology and the Internet. For some strange, illogical reason, security awareness training is now often viewed as a luxury and not as a necessity, when this critical training is in fact, not only necessary, but should be mandated.

Many fail to realize, but this training does not just improve an employee’s skills, productivity, and proficiency, but proves to provide an tremendously important end result: an enormous investment in the company as a whole! This Security Awareness Program in Miami increases security, efficiency, effectiveness, compliance, profit, and much more, and may very well prevent a major downfall, loss, or devastation!

Here are some questions to ask to determine how vulnerable your network may be:

  • How long ago was my last vulnerability test?
  • How many changes and or upgrades has my network had since my last vulnerability test?
  • Do the counter measures I have in place to prevent an intrusion actually work?
  • What security layers should I implement next to best protect my company's assets?
  • Do I know where confidential and sensitive data is located on my network enterprise wide?
  • How do I know if my IT Security reports are accurate?

If you would like more information about Bank Customer Security Awareness Education, contact us at

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  • 24x7x365 US-based SOC/NOC
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  • Complete MSSP Services that include Monitoring, Real-Time Threat Analysis, Mitigation/Remediation, Alerting, Reporting and Device Management
  • Flexible pricing models that can be 24x7, 8x5, of off-peak 7pm to 7am only coverage
  • MSP & MSSP Solutions for both IT & OT ICS environments
  • 25+ years Regulatory Compliance experience (GLBA, PCI, HIPAA, NERC, AWIA, etc.)
  • Certified Experts (CISSP, CISA, CEH, OSCP, AWS, AWWA, etc.)
  • Managed Services for On-premise Data center, Cloud and Hybrid environments
  • Offering comprehensive cybersecurity Awareness Training Solutions
  • Virtual ISO Programs that bridge the communication gap between IT and OT networks

