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InfoSight's Penetration Testing services reduce the risk of successful cyberattacks by attempting to exploit identified vulnerabilities before a bad actor does. With over two decades of experience in security, compliance and risk management, our experts work to identify security issues beyond the capability of automated tools and assessments/tests. As AI continues to evolve, cyberattacks will continue to become more complex requiring a systemic approach to testing.

The Challenge

Today all organizations face the risks of ransomware attacks and AI-powered cyber-attacks. Staying ahead of bad actors often seems like a losing battle. That's where we come in!

How We Solve It

Our expert security assessors test your network to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by a bad actor. Our assessments are goal-oriented and designed to test not just your Network, but also your Applications, APIs, Mobile Apps, Web Apps and SCADA/ICS Networks, as well as your organization's ability to respond to security incidents. Our reports are comprehensive, providing both in-depth technical reports that include exploit videos and remediation instructions. Additionally, executive-level reporting is provided to suit your C-Suite, BOD, and 3rd party audit audiences. Our service includes access to our Mitigator Vulnerability and Threat Management Platform where you can spot threat trends, analyze vulnerabilities, prioritize remediation from a Centralized Dashboard.

The Outcome

Our comprehensive assessments leverage over 2 decades of experience and knowledge of the most current attack vectors including AI, to deliver the most actionable data. Our personalized approach will help quantify your cyber risk, prioritize the most critical threats, and create a continuous threat exposure management roadmap.

Unique Service Features include:

  • US-based Expert Ethical Hacking Team.

  • Videos to demonstrate successful exploits of your environment!

  • Executive Summary Reporting designed for C-Suite and 3rd party.

  • Access to Mitigator Vulnerability Threat Manager Platform where you can:

    • Spot threat trends, analyze vulnerabilities, prioritize remediation from a central dashboard.

    • Create Remediation tickets in ServiceNOW™, Jira®, and Connectwise™.

    • Request "on-demand" Pen Testing of specific vulnerabilities (add-on feature).

    • Analyze vulnerabilities by asset and criticality.

    • Search & Drill-down by specific time periods, vulnerability, and other parameters.

    • Adjust risk scores based upon context and compensating controls for accurate risk ratings.

    • Request Remediation Assistance (add-on feature).

    • Export vulnerability data by date, source, criticality, etc.

  • Use Mitigator to perform scans and create your own Vulnerability Management Program!

Key Benefits

Evaluate environments for real-world readiness

Reduce the risk of a successful attack before it occurs

Identify security issues beyond the capability of automated tools & assessments

Exit interviews to provide both executive level and detailed reports

Reduce the risk of a successful attack before it occurs

Goes beyond typical penetration testing to involve mission-oriented Red Teaming operations

Prioritize your risks and quickly take the right preventative measures

Assists in implementing a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) strategy

Why InfoSight?

24x7x365 US-based SOC/NOC

25+ years Regulatory Compliance experience (GLBA, PCI, HIPAA, NERC, AWIA, etc.)

SOC 2 Certified

Offering comprehensive cybersecurity Awareness Training Solutions

Managed Services for On-premise Data center, Cloud and Hybrid environments

Flexible pricing models that can be 24x7, 8x5, OR off-peak 7pm to 7am only coverage

MSP & MSSP Solutions for both IT & OT ICS environments

Certified Experts (CISSP, CISA, CEH, OSCP, AWS, AWWA, etc.)

Virtual ISO Programs that bridge the communication gap between IT and OT networks

Bringing the Future into Focus!