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We know Financial!

Financial Institutions are the Core of InfoSight's solutions. We come from the financial core processing industry so we understanding your operating environment. Whether you're in-house or outsource, the platforms that run your operation are well known by our team. We provide Technology, Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Compliance and Online Banking Customer Security Awareness Training solutions for institutions of all sizes.

  • We help FIs drive cross sales & new product adoption with our OLB Customer Cyber Security Awareness Program (CSAP), we educate OLB customers on cybersecurity topics by conducting seminars that allow the institution to cross sell products and drive new product adoption, and meeting compliance requirements. Whether it's an older service like Positive Pay or driving loan demand, seminars allow bankers to "rub elbows" with clients all in the name of cybersecurity and compliance initiatives to drive sales conversations.

  • We also help FIs reduce expense by streamlining Security efforts & GRC initiatives. By combining services like Risk Assessments for GLBA, Online Banking, and IT with General IT Controls Reviews, IT audits, Vulnerability Assessments, and Penetration Testing, we deliver savings without sacrificing quality.

  • Additionally, we help FIs reduce risk and exploit new opportunities like Open Banking by making sure APIs are secured to allow third parties access to needed data and securing dynamically. Additionally, we help reduce risk by establishing a robust Vulnerability Management and Self-Assessment Program with our Mitigator Vulnerability & Threat Management Platform. We can future reduce risk for resource-limited institutions by providing Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS).

We Provide

SCADA & ICS Vulnerability Asessments

Disaster Recovery Planning

Social Engineering

Security Compliances, Policy & Procedure Updates

Industrial Control & IoT Services Security Compliances

Risk Management

24x7x365 Managed Security Services & SEIM

Employee Security Awareness Training

Bringing the Future into Focus!
